Meru National Park – Complete Wilderness

Brilliant on a magnificent scale, the Meru and Kora sister parks feature luxuriant jungle, coursing rivers, verdant swamp, khaki grasslands and gaunt termite cathedrals all under the sky’s great blue bowl. Little visited and utterly unspoilt, few places are comparable to the remote and rugged atmosphere found here. Visitors can see Grevy’s zebras, elephants, Bohor reedbucks, hartebeests, pythons, puff adders, cobras, buffalos and more than 427 recorded species of birds.

The park is open all year, but the best wildlife viewing is during the dry season from June to September. The tall grass and rich swamps here are a result of plentiful rain during the wet season. Average daytime temperature is 32°C/90°F. The heaviest rains bring in yearly amounts of about 762mm (30 in) in the park’s western areas.


Getting there

All weather roads will take you from Nairobi. The roads within the park have been upgraded but can deteriorate in the rains.

By air: The main airstrip is at Kina, Mulika.

You can book a tour with Jadestone Africa Travels from Nairobi.

  • Former home of Joy and George Adamson and Elsa the lioness
  • Views of Mt Kenya
  • Rivers and riverine habitats
  • Tana river
  • Adamson’s falls